When you submit a request, you are agreeing fully to all the below TERMs & Conditions.
- If there are more than 1 client, you are agreeing/signing on behalf of them all after ensuring you have the due authority
- You agree to pay all costs and attorney's fees, should there be a lawsuit
Spectrum Properties & Services (SPS) -
- The SPS Sends message (text/email) about service request. You OPT-IN to receive those messages.
- The SPS Only connects the Consumers to Providers and does NOT have a direct control over Providers.
- The SPS does NOT manage the payments/refunds.
- The SPS is NOT accountable for the Quality, Follow-up, Errors, Omissions, Liability, Warrantees, Limitations, Exclusions, Exceptions, Availability, Payments, Delays involving Consumers & Providers.
Spectrum Home Inspections (SHI) -
- Fees payable in full after the inspection.
- Inspection is for a point in time & NOT a home warranty.
- Inspection is for a functional and structural aspects & NOT for cosmetic aspects.
- Inspection is our best attempted issue list in the given timeslot & NO guarantee of 100% the issue list.
- Inspection skips the items where there is limitation to reach. (Ex. items behind furniture).
- Inspection skips the Work-In-Progress items.
- Cost numbers included for fixes are ballpark dollar amounts and NOT a quote.
- We assume NO liability for the cost of repair or replacement of Reported OR Un-Reported defects.
- Inspection report is solely for your purpose & we assume NO liability for use by any third party.
Spectrum Property Report (SPR) -
- This is 1 of the services under Spectrum Properties and Services (SPS)
- Fees payable in full after the report.
- SPR is a report is a summarization public information available for a given property.
- SPS disclaims accuracy & interpretation of the information.
- SPS assumes NO Error/Liability/Omission and you (Requester) are fully agreeing to it.
- SPS report is for exclusively your use and we disclaim any liability from a third party.
- Under any lawsuit circumstances, we owe no more than fees charged for the report.
Spectrum Air Care (SAC)
- The result of duct cleaning may depend on condition of your HVAC and ductwork.
- The SAC does NOT guarantee complete removal of all contaminants.
- The SAC does NOT guarantee specific health benefits.
- The SAC is NOT responsible for pre-existing issues OR damages that may be revealed during the cleanup process.
- The SAC does NOT warranty accuracy OR completeness.
- As the home gets older the ducts become fragile increasing risk of duct damage. The SAC does NOT warranty duct repairs.